优化的图表渲染引擎减少了加载时间,并将连续使用时间延长了 25%。



1.2 从客户的第一次存款记录开始一直到所有的资金提取完毕公司都负财务责任.

1.3 在询盘时客户有权向公司索取其账户获得的任何资金量.

1.4 存/取款的唯一正式做法是在公司官方网站显示的方法.由于支付方与公司不是合伙关系因此也不属于公司的责任范围所以客户要承担所有与使用这些支付手段相关的风险.公司不对任何由支付方式引起的交易取消或者延期进行负责.如果客户对任何支付手段有任何诉求,他/她有责任与相应的支付手段的支持服务取得联系并提交诉求.

1.5 公司不对客户可能会用来存/取款的任何第三方服务商的行为承担任何责任.当资金被转移到公司的银行账户或者任何在公司网站显示的其它与支付手段相关的账户中时公司对客户资金的财务开始负责.如果在财务交易期间或者财务交易后发现有欺诈行为,公司将有权取消这些交易请冻结客户的账户.

1.6 如果出现了与财务交易相关的技术问题,公司有权取消交易及其结果.

1.7 客户只可以在公司网站注册一个账户.如果公司删除了客户账户的复本,公司有权冻结客户的账户和资金但无权提取.





- 向公司提供他/她的真实身份和联系方式.

2.2 要完成第二步公司需要客户提供



2.3 根据公司规定身份验证过程必须在10个工作日内完成.有时验证周期可能会长达30个工作日.

3. 存款过程



提款所需时间会因支付方式的不同而有差别. 公司无法管控提款的处理时间. 如果使用电子支付方法,处理时间可能需要几秒钟,也有可能需要数天. 如果使用银行直接汇款,处理时间从3天到45日不等.



5. 退款政策

5.1 客户随时可以提取其账户中的部分或全部资金,只需要向公司发送提款请求即可,内容需要包括从客户账户提款的订单号,并满足以下条款:

- 公司将会执行从客户交易账户提款的订单,在处理订单时会受到客户账户余额的限制. 如果客户要提取的金额(包括佣金以及该条款中规定的其它费用)超过了客户账户的余额,公司将会拒绝执行订单操作并且会解释缘由.;

- 客户创建的从其账户中提款的订单必须符合当前各国在交易司法方面的法律法规的要求和规定.;

- 客户账户里的钱必须用客户之前用于将资金存入账户的钱包ID相同的支付系统中提取。本公司可将提款金额限制在支付系统内,而客户账户上的存款金额则来自该支付系统。本公司可酌情例外规定,将客户资金提取至其他支付系统,但本公司可随时要求客户提供其他支付系统的支付信息,客户必须向本公司提供该等支付信息。;

5.2 一个将资金转移到客户外部账户的提款请求由公司授权的代理人处理.

5.3 客户应该按照入金额货币发出提款请求. 如果入金货币不同于转账货币,那么公司将会根据资金从客户账户扣除时的汇率进行资金换算.

5.4 公司转移到客户外部账户时的货币会显示在客户的界面中,具体取决于客户账户的货币类型及提款方式.

5.5 汇率、佣金及其它与提款方式相关的费用均由公司设定,公司可以随时进行变更. 公司设定的汇率可能不同于由某一国家相关权威机构制定的汇率,也有可能区别于市场上的当前汇率. 在需要付款服务商的情况下,资金从客户的账户提取时,可能会按照与客户外部账户不同的币种进行提取.

5.6 公司有权根据提款方式设定最低和最高提款金额. 这些限制条件将会显示在客户的显示面板中.

5.7 如果订单是在客户的显示面板中创建, 并且显示在余额历史区域中以及在公司的系统的客户请求中,则表示提款订单被公司接受了。除此之外,以其它形式创建的订单不被接受,公司不会予以处理.

5.8 资金会在五个(5)工作日内从客户的账户提取.

5.9 如果公司根据提款要求发送的资金在五个工作日之后还没有达到客户的外部账户,客户可以请求公司调查该情况.

5.10 如果客户在提出提款请求时提供的付款信息有误,则会导致无法转账到和的外部账户, 客户将需要支付佣金处理因此带来的问题.

5.11 客户所获利润超过入金额度的部分可以转移到其外部账户中,不过只能通过双方都接受的方式进行, 如果客户采用某种形式在其账户存了入金,那么公司有权采用相同方式提取其之前存入的入金.

6. 提款的支付手段

6.1 银行转账.

6.1.1 在公司接受资金转账时所采用方式的情况下,客户随时可以发送通过银行转账的提款请求.

6.1.2 客户只可以发送提款请求到其个人名字开立的账户. 公司不接受也不会处理转账到第三方银行账户的订单.

6.1.3 在满足7.1.2.条款所规定的条件下,公司必定会根据提款要求的信息将钱转到客户的银行账户.


6.2 电汇.

6.2.1 如果公司在进行转账时使用这种方法,客户可以随时通过电子转账发送提款请求。

6.2.2 客户可以发送请求将资金提取到其个人电子支付系统钱包.

6.2.3 公司会根据提款请求的相关信息将钱转到客户的电子账户中.

6.2.4 客户需要明白并接受在公司没有过失的情况下,公司不对电汇所用的操作时间负责也不对转账时出现的技术故障负责.

6.3 公司可以自行决定为客户提供其它提款方式.相关信息在控制面板有显示.

7. Terms of the One-Click Payment Service

7.1 By completing the payment form with your bank card information, selecting the "Save the card" option, and clicking the payment confirmation button, you provide your full consent to the rules of the One-Click Payment service (recurring payments). You also authorize the payment service provider to automatically debit funds from your bank card, as determined by you, to replenish your account balance with the Company without requiring you to re-enter your card details. This will occur on the date specified by the One-Click Payment service.

7.2 You acknowledge and agree that a confirmation of your use of the One-Click Payment service will be sent to your email within two (2) business days.

7.3 By using the One-Click Payment service, you agree to cover all costs associated with this service, including any additional expenses such as taxes, duties, and other fees.

7.4 By using the One-Click Payment service, you confirm that you are the rightful owner or authorized user of the bank card used for this service. You also agree not to dispute any payments made from your bank card to the Company for replenishing your account balance.

7.5 You assume full responsibility for all payments made to replenish your account balance with the Company. The Company and/or the payment service provider will process payments only for the amount specified by you and are not responsible for any additional amounts you may incur.

7.6 Once the payment confirmation button is clicked, the payment is considered processed and irrevocable. By clicking the payment confirmation button, you agree that you cannot rescind the payment or request a refund. By completing the payment form, you confirm that you are not violating any applicable laws. Additionally, by accepting these terms, you, as the cardholder, confirm your right to use the services offered by the Company.

7.7 You confirm that the One-Click Payment service will remain active until you cancel it. If you wish to deactivate the One-Click Payment service, you can do so by accessing the Dashboard and removing your bank card information from the list of saved cards.

7.8 The payment service provider is not responsible for any refusal or inability to process your payment card information, including situations where the issuing bank declines authorization. The payment service provider is also not liable for the quality or scope of the Company's services offered on the website. You must adhere to the Company's rules and requirements when making a deposit to your account. The payment service provider only processes payments and is not responsible for pricing, general prices, or total amounts.

7.9 By using the website and/or trading terminal, you assume legal responsibility for complying with the laws of any country where the website and/or terminal are accessed. You also confirm that you are of legal age as required in your jurisdiction. The payment service provider is not responsible for any illegal or unauthorized use of the website and/or trading terminal. By agreeing to use the website and/or trading terminal, you acknowledge that payments processed by the payment service provider are final, with no legal right to refunds or payment cancellations. If you wish to withdraw funds from your account, you may do so using the trading terminal.

7.10 You are responsible for regularly reviewing and staying informed about updates to the terms and conditions of the One-Click Payment service, as posted on the Company's website.

7.11 Communication between the Parties will primarily take place through the Dashboard. In exceptional cases, email communication may be used: support@po.trade.

7.12 If you do not agree to these terms, you must promptly cancel the payment and, if necessary, contact the Company.